<span style= »text-decoration: underline; color: #3366ff; »><strong>Royaume-Unis :</strong></span> un projet sur l’hydrogène renouvelable se termine.
Aviation Boss Calls for ‘Massive’ Investment in Hydrogen-Powered Flights
<span style= »text-decoration: underline; »><span style= »color: #3366ff; text-decoration: underline; »><strong>Easy Jet</strong></span></span> inevstit massiement dans l’aviation H2.
EverWind Announces Strategic Partnership with Eastward Energy for Domestic Transportation and Supply of Green Hydrogen in Nova Scotia
<span style= »text-decoration: underline; color: #3366ff; »><strong>EverWind</strong></span> annonce un partenariat stratégique avec Eastward Energy.